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 Diaspora Legal

Equity, Prosperity and Dispute Resolution Across Borders

Criminal Charges in Bali

Dec 28, 2017

A westerner faced with criminal charges in Bali can feel a long way from home. The law may not be what it is at home, the language may be different, the conditions and process different. Legal ethics may be different and your basic rights may be different. Decisions made early in the process can have long-term and significant consequences.

Your requirements, however, can be described in familiar ways: Advice, representation, and Advocacy. Diaspora Legal can provide that advice, representation and advocacy in a timely and effective manner.

If you are an Australian national, Diaspora Legal can provide a seamless integration with advice concerning your rights to Australian consular support, and applications to the relevant Australian authorities in respect of legal aid. As a foreigner subject to the laws of Indonesia, there are a number of international law issues which ought be borne in mind, even though an Indonesian lawyer may not necessarily be able to put them before an Indonesian Court. A range of stakeholders can take an interest in a foreigner charged in Bali. Australian media are known to take a particular interest in the process, and the involvement of other stakeholders is best managed carefully.

Category: Practising Law

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