Equity, Prosperity and Dispute Resolution Across Borders
"the law of South Australia applies with respect to the fees charged by this law practice"
"our retainer will outline the basis on which legal costs will be calculated, including whether a scale of costs, or a recommendation as to the calculation of barristers' costs, applies to any of the legal costs"
"another law practice may calculate legal costs in accordance with the scale"
"it is a client's right-to negotiate a costs agreement with a law practice
-to receive a bill from a law practice
-to request an itemised bill after receiving a lump sum bill
-to be advised of any material change to the matters disclosed"
"a client may always contact Greg Finlayson to discuss the legal costs"
"in the event of a dispute as to legal costs a client may
-raise the matter with the practice
-have the costs adjudicated by the Supreme Court of South Australia under Part 7 of the Legal Practitioners Act
-seek to have any costs agreement set aside under clause 30 of the Legal Practitioners Act
-if the client belives that there has been overcharging, make a complaint to the Legal Practitioners' Conduct Board"