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Equity, Prosperity and Dispute Resolution Across Borders
Taking advice has several kinds of potential disadvantage for a client including loss of control, loss of status, loss of confidentiality and loss of time. Greg Finlayson addresses each of these threats in his methods of practising law.
The compliance regime surrounding registered migration agents and the provision of immigration legal advice and immigration assistance in Australia is much misunderstood in practice. There are a number of important technicalities and exceptions in the way…
Immediacy versus consideration Inflammation versus resolution Empowerment versus learned helplessness
A westerner faced with criminal charges in Bali can feel a long way from home. The law may not be what it is at home, the language may be different, the conditions and process different. Legal ethics may be different and your basic rights may be different…
Equitable Remedies and Rectification of Financial Agreements The Hon Justice P.L.G. Brereton, AM, RFD* Address to the 15 th National Family Law Conference Hobart 14 – 17 October 2012