Equity, Prosperity and Dispute Resolution Across Borders
Phone: +61 3 9016 4313
+61 8 8121 4331
Skype: suastiastu
Email: greg@finlayson.id.au
Greg practises law in association with:
Allen Burtt
Hadiwidjojo Wirya Mukhtar Ardibrata
Greg Finlayson can actively advise on one area of out and out tax avoidance - the avoidance of double taxation.
Australia has entered into treaty arrangements with many countries to prevent the imposition of double taxation - effectively taxation by more than one country with respect to the same income.
The rules can be complex and may vary from country to country and your residence in each or either or both. The taxation obligations may vary on the length of stay in each country, making the giving of advice in this area truly "bespoke advice".
Because the advice given is about application of international aspects of the law, Greg does not give advice directly about the tax laws of other countries - but generally works with people who can - ideally your existing advisors in those countries.
Greg also has a good working relationship with potential advisors at the South Australian and Sydney Bar on tax matters.