Equity, Prosperity and Dispute Resolution Across Borders
Phone: +61 3 9016 4313
+61 8 8121 4331
Skype: suastiastu
Email: greg@finlayson.id.au
Greg practises law in association with:
Allen Burtt
Hadiwidjojo Wirya Mukhtar Ardibrata
Getting married can take a bit of organisation and a long set of checklists.
You've heard horror stories of long drawn out and expensive divorces with uncertain, discretionary outcomes.
So why do so few couples, getting on well enough to want to marry each other, avoid these risks by agreement?
Many people getting married do not understand the legal consequences of marriage.
Many of these problems can be overcome by advice prior to marriage, or the documenting of an agreement to deal with what will happen with property if a marriage breaks down.
Its a specialist and technical area, and can be more so if people are from different countries, own property in different countries or may end up living in different countries.
Contact Greg Finlayson to get independent professional advice on a pre-nuptual agreement.