Equity, Prosperity and Dispute Resolution Across Borders
Family Law is a distinct field of law which examines every case on its merits according to legal principles.
If the matter is governed entirely by Australian law, then property issues usually focus on valuation and division of the combined asset pool.
Entitlement to spousal maintenance should also be considered.
If you married outside Australia, have lived outside Australia or you or your spouse have assets in more than one country, then fundamentally different analysis is required. Australian law may not not apply to your marriage or the division of assets.
Diaspora Legal has practitioners in both Indonesia and Australia who have undertaken extra studies in family law, cross-border law and international law which will assist in assessing the impact on your situation.
Diaspora Legal will adopt a negotiation approach to suit your situation and apply your instructions. While there are various buzzwords fashionable in current legal practice such as "collaborative practice" it is important to understand what they actually mean as they refer to aspects of professional legal practice which may or may not be appropriate to your circumstances and regarding which you may request to be specifically advised.
It's vitally important to know your options in order to ensure that you get a fair outcome.